Week 98
My sweet bike!
Bless them if they have to go upstairs to do their laundry that they won't fall! Feels like it's been forever since I have written y'all! This last week was a good one and we were able to to get a lot done. Back in Searcy this last Saturday Brayden, Payton, and Hayden were all able to be baptized!! I was so happy to hear that they were able to enter into that covenant and I heard that the program went super well, and the whole Ward was involved. I got to talk to their mom (Cori) right after the baptism and she was really excited for them, she jokingly told me "this is all your fault" ha ha! I told her well that's a good thing! She said she really enjoyed the service and as well that her husband and some of their other family friends were able to attend. Before I left Searcy I had them write in my signature book and they wrote some really cool things. Their testimonies are really strong, and they have embraced the gospel so well.
Payton ,Hayden and Brayden's baptism! |
Back in Danville we were able to see a bunch of different people, and also it has been extremely hot. As well we have actually been going to this tiny town called "Ola" pretty frequently. We have been teaching this lady named Francis and she is pretty awesome! We taught her on Wednesday and she loved the restoration, and really wanted to come out to church. We were able to set a baptismal date with her, and then we were able to teach her the plan of salvation the next day which she loved. We are going to be seeing her again this week! My favorite quote of the week came from her when she prayed at the end of the lesson she said "Bless them if they have to go upstairs to do their laundry that they won't fall" ha ha! We had told her that our laundry machine is upstairs. She's a very sweet older lady!
As well in Ola we are teaching a guy named Joe. We have been teaching him for a while, and we always teach him outside on his porch. One lesson we taught the Plan of Salvation and you could tell that he really opened up. He has problems with eyes so he said he won't be able to come to church until he gets his surgery. So the next lesson we gt back. He asks if we want to go into this house and the first thing he said is that he wants to come to church this week. On Sunday he was able to make it and he really enjoyed, It's amazing that time and time again the spirit can always change people and lead them to better things.
One day while riding our Bikes in Danville (we always ride our bikes when we are in town because it's so tiny). We went to see a guy named Efren. Elder Claridge had met him a few weeks back. At first he was on his phone and said that he was busy working on his car. Then we asked him when we could share our message with him and he stopped and said "well I guess right now would be good". We taught him the Restoration and explained the Book of Mormon. When we gave him a Book of Mormon he was so excited about it and said he was going to read it for sure. We then go back yesterday, and he had read everything we had left him to read and really enjoyed it! He mentioned how much he was already learning. We taught him the Plan of Salvation, and now we are going back to see him on Thursday.
We are also teaching an older fellow named Billy! He has a baptism date, and we have consistently been seeing him a few times a week. We had a good lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ last week, and we were pretty direct inviting him to church and letting him know that his ride would be there in the morning. He said he would be ready to go in the morning. He was ready, and he was able to make it to church and really enjoyed it. He was fellowshipped well. Turns out his son who has now passed away used to be a member of the church and some of the member there knew him. That was an awesome connection, the Lord works in so many ways to help people feel loved and comforted.
Elder Geddes and Elder Claridge Elder Geddes and Elder Taleni
All is going well for us in Danville, Elder Claridge and I get along super well which is awesome. On Monday we had a great meeting with Elder Arnold of the Seventy. It's amazing the spirit they always bring. As well I got to say goodbye to many of my good friends for the last time, crazy to think about. Last P-day we were able to go hiking which was a lot of fun. And hopefully we are going to go again today. Hope y'all have a wonderful week, love you much!
Lily pad pond Beautiful hike!