Week 52
La Primera Semana en el trio!
Elder Geddes and the district saying goodbye to Elder Hernandez
This week has been a super good week, and we are getting a lot of work done I'm serving with Elder Zickella who is from Florida, and Elder Croft who is from Pocatello !It's been a pretty sweet first week with them, and they are both really focused missionaries.Elder Croft has been out for two transfers, and is still being trained. Elder Zickella and I have the same amount of time out on the mission. They ended up just moving into my apartment,but it was a pretty easy move because the apartments are only half a mile away!
On Tuesday we had our District meeting with a tiny district (just the 4 of us), and after that the AP's came to pick up Hernandez. Now that he is gone our district is even smaller, and it is just the 3 of us. Haha! I think it's the smallest a district can possibly get!
Elder Geddes and Elder Hernandez
Before Hernandez left we had some really good experiences on Monday. In the morning we were able to go do some Service for a non member family. We helped them moved y they were super cool. I asked them if we could come back and share our message? They were open for it. So we went back later in the week as a trio, and were able to teach them. She is Hispanic, but speaks really good English. Her husband is American. They had some really good questions, and we were able to clear up some false doctrine that their church had been teaching about our church...Yes there is a church here who dedicates every Wednesday night for preaching anti-Mormon. It was a solid way to begin teaching a lesson y they wanted us to come over another time and have dinner with them, and share more of our message. We are excited for that. They are going to Mexico for a little while and after that we will continue to teach them.Also on Monday night me and Hernandez were able to go over to la Familia Lopez (Claudio) togive their daughter a blessing. She has cancer, and has really been having a hard time. It was a great spiritual experience, and a great opportunity to have them see the power of the Priesthood. We went back later on in the week y they said that the daughter was feeling a lot better. They were really grateful for that. We are just working on getting them to church. He is looking for a sign, like God to tell him to go to church, but we need to help him realize that he has seen plenty of signs already. They are such an awesome family though, and they are going to start progressing more soon. The wife even told me that she feels like she will be at our church soon!
Another great experience was one day we were walking around and we ran into this lady Taknechia..We gave her a card and we set up an appointment for the next day. That next day we went back, and
she let us in. We shared the message of the restoration y she was just soaking it all in. At parts of the lesson she was saying "this is so awesome", and she even told us that we weren't going to believe it but he had been praying to know the real truth. We told her about the Book of Mormon y she asked us if she could buy one. We gave her a copy for her to read. It was a good lesson on the importance of talking to everyone, you just never know who is going to be prepared to teach the Gospel. We hope to see her several times this week!
For other great news, David was able to come to church today!!!! Such an awesome experience to see all the hard work we have put into teaching him. He said he loved church so much, and that he felt very welcomed. He even asked some really great questions in some of the classes and decided that day to keep the Sabbath day more holy by not watching TV, and stuff like he normally does. So that was awesome to see, and we are hoping that desire will lead him into making some bigger commitment more quickly. During priesthood David introduced himself and, a classic member in the ward with the thickest southern accent yelled "fill up the font! We were all thinking it, but, he just decided to say it" Haha! We are excited and
are glad he was able to take this next step.
Con Amor,
Elder Geddes