Week 75
Huge BBQ nachos en Memphis!
It's hard to believe that it's already 2016, the last year has flown by and it was filled was so many amazing experiences.
Alvaro y los Hermosillo
This last week was another really busy week as it always is as Office Elder, and we as well had some really good teaching experiences. We had to go to Memphis and back twice this week to transport people to the leadership training, and as well close an apartment in Memphis. We were able to see Alvaro my recent convert. He was in Memphis for the break, and he had been attending school in Ohio. It sounded like he has been doing great, and it was sweet to see him!
Con la familia Lopez |
Gotta see ceron again! |
We also got to go to the promised land of Jonesboro, Arkansas on New Years days to deliver some furniture to the Elders there. We set up a dinner with Claudio y his family, and we ate some great Pasole! It seriously was the best seeing them again, and it felt as if I had never left. They are an awesome family, and since Claudio was baptized the family has been doing Family home evenings, and they are starting to listen in on the lessons. It's always a great feeling knowing that your recent converts are staying strong and progressing in the Gospel. Claudio even mentioned that he wanted to go see the Temple in Utah! While there we were also able to go see Tina y Takiya for a few minutes. That was a great trip, and we arrived back in North Little Rock that night.
Over the weekend we were able to go out and do some teaching after we finished the office work. One night we went to see Alina y Rafael who are less active in the Spanish Branch. This was the second time we visited them. We knocked on the door and no one was there. I figured we might as well knock another house since we were there. No answer either,so we went to get in the car, and then right after they pulled up to their house and we were able to see them! We had a really good lesson on the BOM, and they really opened us to us. They both committed to going to church, and this time they said we could come back whenever. Where the last time they said the only day they could do it on Saturday night. I was definitely glad we knocked on that extra door to keep us in the area for them to come back.
Diligence has been one of my goals recently, and I've seen the blessings as we have been more diligent in missionary work. On Sunday night we went to an investigators house, and their Pastor was there as well as like 15-20 other people from their church. We didn't want to bother them because they had visitors, but they invited us to come in. They are all Hispanic and for an hour I talked with the pastor about the Book of Mormon and our beliefs, while everyone else was listening. It was a good experience, and we are going to bring them Spanish copies of the BOM in the next couple of days. It was also nice to be able to speak Spanish!
That night we had gone to another place to see some people. It was around 8:40 and we were out of people to try. I felt that we needed to return back to the trailer park and see a lady that we had seen last week. We went to her trailer and all the lights were off. So we decided to knock the trailer next to it an Hispanic family let us in right away. I was able to share our basic beliefs with them and introduce the BOM to them. They were really cool, and we were able to set up a return appointment with them. Great experience of how the Lord places someone in our path as we decided to try just another door instead of going in a few minutes early. Other than that just an overall great week, and should be another busy one this week!
I love you lots, and hope your week is great as well! Thanks for the email!
Con amor,
Elder Geddes