Week 33
You know you're in the South when you see this!
This week was a pretty good week. It was a little slower week as far as the missionary week, but that happens sometimes and this week should be great week! It has been raining the last couple of weeks every day, but the last 2 days have been perfect one of the days it got into the 80's. So it's a perfect start to our bike week!
This week I went on exchanges in the Memphis South area. It was a really good exchange, and we taught some really good people. We talked to this guy in a tire shop and he sounded exactly like and talked just like my friend Lucas from BYUH. It was pretty funny. Apparently Elder Jenkins y Doty had blessed his car shop or something, because the guy said weird things had been happening. But apparently after that all the weird stuff stopped, and the business has started doing really well! So that was pretty cool! Then we had specialized training on Thursday which was a really sweet meeting, It's always great when we can hear from President Wakolo. That's super cool that he sent you that foto from our quarterly interview, He's such an amazing guy, and his love for everyone is just incredible. I'm very grateful that he is my mission President.
We did find a really cool lady this last week, She answered the door and started talking in English. She knows both. But then she asked about if our Church was in Spanish because her husband as well, and doesn't speak good English! We told her we were actually Spanish missionaries, so she was really interested and we were able to set a return appointment for this week! It was a slower day of work that day, because of the rain and stuff, but it's awesome to see the people the Lord will place in your path! We're looking forward to that, and if anything else I'm sure more opportunities will come up around there as well! Oh and as well I gave my first talk in Spanish in Sacrament this week! I had to talk on la obra misional (mission work) for 15 minutes. It went pretty well, and I was able to talk pretty decent Spanish. It was nice to have that opportunity, and to be able to get more confident speaking in front of a lot of people in Spanish! So that was good, and this week we should be able to find some new investigators and start teaching some new people. As for Lupe we still haven't been able to teach her, she is just way busy all the time. We are working with the Familia Hernandez.They are in the moving process, but have been super solid in the past. So once the moving is all done, they should get back on track. That's about all for this week!
Me and Elder Fortie in front of the Memphis Temple
For your questions about Zones in the Missions, there are 5 zones in total. There are 2 Spanish Districts in the mission (here and in Little Rock) both have either 3 or 4 companionship's. And then there are a few other Spanish areas, and they are part of English districts. Elder Udall and Brown are my Zone Leaders, so that's cool to be serving by Udall again! And for Our Apartment it's just me and Elder Fortie, but we have a huge apartment it's one of the nicest on the mission. Definitely an upgrade from the Little Rock apartment! So that's a nice perk. And then Elder Heaton and Henderson live like a little ways away from us, but we share the exact same working area. Oh and for your temple question I live super close to the temple, but probably won't go until July. Elder Heaton got to go today, because he had a birthday in February. There is only one temple trip every transfer normally, and only about 40 missionaries can go each time. The temple is super tiny, but it's super cool to see when we go there though! But all is good here in Memphis!
I'm glad to hear that all is going well back at home It sounds like you had a great Stake Conference. That's crazy that Oli is already 1, The time really does fly by! Thank you so much for the update and email! I love you lots and hope your week is great!
Elder Geddes
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