Week 39
Matching shirts for Latino Memphis Group Service Day
I hope that y'all had a great week over there in the Utah! As for me over here in Memphis.It was just another pretty normal week of missionary work, but a week on the mission is always a great week! It really feels like 2 days ago it was Monday, and then boom another Monday comes. As for your question about the storms there wasn't really any storms that hit us, maybe at night but you know when I'm asleep nothing can wake me up! It's just been cloudy the whole week, with a little bit of rain. That has made the weather super nice though so it's been great for walking around!
On Saturday we were able to go to a cool service project for the community with a group called Latino Memphis. Some members of the branch had set it up so that we could go. Us and the East Elders were able to go there with a really cool family. Probably some of the nicest and most behaved kids I've met here! But they took all four of us and we were able to talk with the kids and well as the dad Maricio on the way. It's always super cool to see people get together from different faiths and help others out in a better cause. Something I have been working on recently is trying to be more personal with the people that we meet, and show them we are normal people to. I've always found it way easier to teach when we are more personal and connect with people right from the beginning. So we were able to get Maricios number and it sounds like they would be interested in having us come over one day and sharing our message with them. So either us or East are going to do that!
Then on Sunday night we had a lesson with the Perez family (Enrique y Angelica). We weren't able to see them very much this week because he had been busy with work and everything. But we were able to have a lesson with them on Sunday. We went in there planning on teaching some of the commandants y la Palabra de Sabiduria (word of wisdom). They were super cool as always but before started the lesson he told us how they had been talking and they feel like they needed to stay with the tradition of their family in the Catholic church. That's why they weren't able to make it to church with us. I asked if he had heard someone talk bad about the church or anything and he said no and that they always loves it when we come over. As we were talking with them we really focused on prayer and how when we have a big decision in our lives we should ask God first with what we should do. It was a super good lesson and it really made them realize that they needed to pray to see which camino they should take. We also talked about specific prayer to receive specific answers. They committed to praying specifically for what path will be best for their family. We are praying that they will receive an answer and that they will be able to start coming to church and continue progressing! We also got a pretty strong commitment for coming the the Noche de Hogar tonight at a members house that lives close by! But it was a great lesson, and lesson for me of the importance of teaching to peoples needs. If we would have just taught the commandments still we probably wouldn't have gone anywhere with them.
Also me and Hernandez were on exchanges this week and I kick this box between his legs while walking and made a "goal". But the little box was heavy so I went back and picked it up and it was a brand new box of individually wrapped shortcake chocolate covered cookie things! We always find the greatest stuff on the streets. First the peaches and now this!
Other than that it was a pretty good week, and we are excited for this week coming up! Have an amazing week, and thank you tons for the email! Love you lots!
Elder Geddes