This week was a really good transfer week! On Monday we were able to go up to the temple and see all the Elders and Sisters who were going home. It was great to see Elder Meyers, Daley, and some others that have been great friends. I just still can't believe that they are already home, the time really does just fly by out here. Then on transfer day on Wednesday we took Elder Fortie to the temple early in the morning, because he was getting transferred over to the Arkansas side. The transfer meeting was good, David Archuleta didn't show up this time though. Ha ha! My new companion is Elder Ludwig! He is from Orem, and has only two transfers left on the mission so about three months. Most likely I will be his last companion, but you just never know! The week has been really good, and I've enjoyed serving with him. And of course Elder Heaton is still in my District!! His companion also goes home the same time as mine does, so if they both end their mission with us, me and Elder Heaton will have served for the first year of our mission next to each other!
Elder Heaton, Elder Daley,& Elder Geddes |
Elder Geddes, Elder Heaton, & Elder Meyer |
As for this week, it was a really good week. I am the Designated driver again and it's been fun and really good taking over the area. As for our investigators we had a really good lesson with Angelica y Enrique who I talked about last week. A couple lessons ago we had some members and Angelica was away from the lesson and didn't really seem interested that time. But when we taught them this week she was really involved and really interested. The spirit was always been pretty strong as we have taught them. We we taught them the Plan of Salvation and invited them to be baptized. We tried to set a date, but we were able to find out there main concern, or their main thing holding them back. There are just some things they have to fix, but they really understand that you have to repent unto baptism and it's something that they really want to do. They are super cool, and they have really enjoyed us coming over. So we are going to keep teaching them, we are really looking forward to that! Also we were able to teach Rosie again this week, it went well we just need to take it a little slower with her. But she is super cool and always give us food when we go over there. It's always great when we are eating Mexican food...the best food around! Other than that it was a pretty good missionary week. We are excited for this upcoming week, and hoping that we will get some more people progressing. But all is well over here in the great city of Memphis!
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