Sounds like you had a good week and that Dad's temple experience up at trek went super well! As for your questions about the iPads they are pretty sweet and are great missionary tools. We are only in stage 1 of 3 stages. We basically are just using gospel library right now getting familiar with the videos and stuff. They are a great tool and have been really useful to use in lessons every once in a while. We are in a digital era and this a great way to progress the Lords work. The second stage we will start using the daily planner and area book. That should be way nice because everything will be synced, and it will be pretty efficient. The. Third stage is where we use Facebook for online proselyting. Overall the iPads are a great missionary tool, and if used right can make a missionary a missionary that is more focused on his purpose.
As for my week here in the warm and humid south it was a really awesome week overall. One night we were able to go over to En y An I've mentioned them a few times, they are a super awesome family that me and Elder Fortie started teaching at the end of that transfer. They have never been able to come to church,so we really wanted to find out the reason what was holding them back. In lesson we asked the directly about something we felt might have been holding them back, and that was exactly it! After that we had a super great lesson and explained more about the concern they had. The church is for everyone, and we should never be scared to go to church, We are all there to become better people. At the end of the lesson they decided that they wanted to make us a promise to come to church! Then later on that week we saw them, and they had just had an argument but he said they were still planning on going to church. We were a little worried that they weren't going to come, but we still thought they would. Then at church 11 o clock hits and they weren't there. But then right before the Santa Cena starts the whole family walks in!! It was so awesome that they were able to make it. All the members in the ward welcomed them really well, and they said they both really enjoyed it and are planning on coming back. It was also cool because they got to see all the missionary's who had taught them (Fortie y Ludwig). That was a great lesson to us of the importance of listening to the spirit on what needs to be taught, and being bold.
On Friday the whole mission was able to go to Little Rock again because Elder Kopischke was here for the mission tour. We all met up and at the Memphis temple and headed over there on a bus. You would have really like him, he is from Germany. He talked about teaching he things that you know and how we have to teach the truth by the spirit. We can know all the doctrine but if we don't teach what the spirit is telling us it is of us and not of God. The spirit truly is the greatest missionary tool that we could possibly have. It is the comforter and testifier of the truth.
We were also able to see Alvaro a couple times this week. The first time we went over to teach him more about he priesthood and how he could get it. In the lesson he told us that he had already had an interview, and that he was going to get the priesthood next week, so that was sweet! He asked me to give him the priesthood, That was a cool experience for me, because it was the first time I have been able to give someone the priesthood. It's so awesome seeing the change in Alvaro, you can see the light that he has. He's been progressing so quickly, it's amazing what the change the light of Christ brings to people. I'm so grateful to help with the lords work and sharing the light of Christ with all.
a cool story about the bus ride. Some Elders had given the bus driver a Book of Mormon before the meeting and he was reading during the meeting. On the way back they taught him the restoration and he accepted a baptismal date! He told us on the mic how grateful he was to hear the truth, and that he could feel a peace over him. It's so amazing how the Lord prepares people and puts them in our paths. Other than at it was an overall great week and we are excited to have a car! We are planning to go to the zoo today so that should be really fun.
Thank you tons for the email, and I hope your week is another great one.
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