Week 54
P-Day Golfing!
Well based on the title of my email either you were probably really confused or came to the conclusion that I'm training!! I got the call this last week from the Assistants that I will be training this transfer! I'm really excited about it, and know that it will be a great growing and learning experience. Being in the trio has really prepared me for that, and I'm looking forward to leaving a positive impact on my "son". On Wednesday we will be going to Little Rock for transfer meeting. Elder Zickella will be getting transferred as well, and Elder Croft will be staying in Jonesboro. It has been the greatest serving with them.! We have gotten a ton of work done together, and gotten along super well. They will be opening another set of missionaries here in Jonesboro, so our tiny district will grow a little bit! I'm really looking forward to this next transfer, it should be great!
As for this week, it was a little slower of a week compared to the last week, but hey a week on the mission is always a good week!! One cool story is that we went over to visit Nikki (Jason's wife,) and we were able to learn more on how to begin teaching with her, and just getting to know her better. She really opened up to us, and shared some experiences with us about her life, that helped us understand her situation. She also said that while Jason has been out working on the trains he has been reading the Book of Mormon that we left him. She said if it is something that he is interested in she would start reading it as well, because she wants the best for the family. That was super cool, and amazing to see how much both of them have opened up to us. We are going to continue teaching her while he is away, so that will be good!
As for other investigators go two of our more solid investigators got antied pretty hard, so they dropped us. But that's alright, it's just how Jonesboro goes. They have seen the blessings from listening and applying the gospel in their lives. I'm sure one day down the road they will have another chance to listen to the missionaries again! David is doing well, He couldn't come to church, because he was on his way to Memphis week. He is still praying and sincerely wanting to know the truth. La Familia Lopez is doing good as well. We just need him to start putting his desire into action. We also found a really cool family yesterday tracting, so we are looking to go by and seeing them this Wednesday! Other than that the work is going great, and we are looking forward to the upcoming week!
Thank you for the email. Love you!
Love, Elder Geddes
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