Week 72
Happy Baptism!

Well as you can see from my title that you probably can't understand, it was officially my last week here in Jonesboro. Even though it was the last it was an amazing week to end off my time here! I'm sad to leave, but I'm so grateful for the oportunidad I have had to serve in this area.It has been amazing! I have seen so many miracles here, and the people here are awesome! I got the transfer call this morning, and I'll be going back over to the Memphis side!! From the looks of it, I'm most likely going to the same area that I was in before. I'm sad to leave here, but I'm looking for to what's ahead on the other side of the river!!

It's been an awesome journey with him, and I have no doubt that the spirit can change anyones heart. When we first met Claudio he didn't even want to touch a Book of Mormon, or know anything about Jose Smith. Now he is reading the Book of Mormon daily, and knows it's the word of God. It has been a testimony builder for me of being patient, and waiting for good things to come. As we became friends with him and the family a constantly sharing the word with them, the spirit filled their home and they could very clearly see a difference. We are so grateful for him and his family. They honestly feel like our family, They even have Christmas presents wrapped for us under their tree! haha! I'm going to miss them, but I'm looking forward to the progression of the rest of them, as they see the example of Claudio as he receives blessings from living the Gospel! We are so excited for them, and I'm glad I was able to see him Baptized before I left.
Happy Baptism!
For the week it was a great week filled with seeing Claudio about every single night! He was really looking forward to the baptism, and excited to make this great change in his life. Elder Heaton and Elder Doty came out for the interview! It was great to see Heaton as always. We planned the baptism for Saturday night, and on that night Claudio entered in to the waters of baptism! I was able to baptize him, and it was an amazing experience. His whole family came out to support him which was awesome! As well as former Elder Hernandez came out from Texas for the baptism. That was really cool, because Hernandez and I found him. The next day Claudio was confirmed como miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos dias!! It was kind of funny, the person who was confirming him didn't realize he was doing it until we all started walking up. His wife told us that she had told him, but he had understood that he was going to be a witness hah!. At the end of the day all went well, and the baptism was well attended by the Spanish members, and Claudio was really happy.
On another note we had our Christmas Zone conference in Little Rock which was awesome. We watched a really good video on the Cokeville miracle of the bomb that exploded at the school but none of the kids were hurt. President Wakolo was late getting to the Zone Conference because he was called the week before to go to a special training for mission President's in Salt Lake. He was 1 of 6 Mission Presidents out of the whole world who was called to go to that training. That training will go out to train the rest of the mission president's. I know that President Wakolo is a man called of God, and I'm so grateful to have such an amazing man like him as my mission president.
Sounds like you had another great week, and I hope the next one is the same! I love y'all!!
Con Amor,
Elder Geddes
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