Riviera family after being sealed!!
This week was an awesome and adventurous week! Earlier on in the week we were busy in the office, and we had a really good office staff meeting with President Wakolo. On Wednesday we had Zone Conference with all the missionaries on this side of the mission.

That is always a great meeting,, and I learned a lot of great things for myself. We focused a lot on helping our investigators realize the functions of the spirit, and why it's so important. That is always keys, as the spirit is truly what is going to change someones life. After that I drove back with all the Jonesboro Elders to go on exchanges up there again. It was great to be with my Son y Grandson again. We were able to see the Lopez family several times, and teach them some good lessons. As well it happened to be Claudio's birthday so we got to celebrate it with him. It's pretty crazy Claudio, Monica, y Elder Heaton all share the same birthday. While there we were able to see Tina y Takiya y they are doing well. We found a lot of cool people, and it was nice to have a couple full days of teaching. On Friday Elder Lundell y Phillips came and picked me up, and we did some furniture deliveries on our way back to NLR.
The best part of the week was of course on Saturday going to the Memphis temple for the sealing of Yader y Joanne. On Saturday morning my companions dropped me off at Yader' house, and (Elder) Justin Meyers was
there as well! So I rode down with him on the way to Memphis, and that was pretty sweet catching up with him. At the temple there were a lot of people, and a bunch of members from the Spanish branch came that I hadn't seen in a year! Yader had made some sweet temple shirts for his family that said families are forever! This was my first sealing that I had ever been to, and it was an amazing experience. Seeing Joanne and Yader being sealed was so cool, and it was amazing when their two beautiful little girls came in and were sealed to them as well. The Spirit was very strong in the sealing room, and the happiness was beaming off of them after they had been sealed. It has been great seeing them progress towards becoming an eternal family. I was talking with Meyers how about a year ago on my final day with them I shared a spiritual thought and told them how I wanted to see them in the temple!
there as well! So I rode down with him on the way to Memphis, and that was pretty sweet catching up with him. At the temple there were a lot of people, and a bunch of members from the Spanish branch came that I hadn't seen in a year! Yader had made some sweet temple shirts for his family that said families are forever! This was my first sealing that I had ever been to, and it was an amazing experience. Seeing Joanne and Yader being sealed was so cool, and it was amazing when their two beautiful little girls came in and were sealed to them as well. The Spirit was very strong in the sealing room, and the happiness was beaming off of them after they had been sealed. It has been great seeing them progress towards becoming an eternal family. I was talking with Meyers how about a year ago on my final day with them I shared a spiritual thought and told them how I wanted to see them in the temple!
After the sealing they took a bunch of sweet pictures and then I went with Yader's family and the Fosters lunch. It was great being with all them again, it was nice to be with some members of the Spanish branch again. I drove home with Yader and his family, and the whole trip was basically a whole day excursion. It was an awesome day,, and I was also able to see see several members from other areas at the temple as well. That trip definitely made my whole week!
Other that that all is going well here in the office. and we should have another busy week as we always do. I love y'all so much, and than you for everything. Que tenga una buena semana!
Con Amor,
Elder Geddes
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