Elder Geddes & the Office staff

This week has been quite exciting! Towards the beginning of the week we had our staff meeting with President Wakolo, it was my last one as office Elder. That was great, and after that Elder Lundell y Phillips dropped me off with the Spanish Zone Leaders for exchanges. I was able to go with them for an entire day! It was an awesome exchange, and we were able to see their sweet recent convert and a lot of other cool people. It was nice being able to speak in Spanish all day was well. That night we set up a special dinner with the Foster's and that was awesome! It was great being with them, and I was glad to be able to see them again. We also got to stop by Ana's and see her. The next day we had a zone meeting. Later on that night we were able to have dinner with Yader and Joanne before I headed out! That was awesome, and I'll definitely miss living so close to them. Yader is excited about being called as the 2nd councilor of the Spanish branch, and has already been doing a great job!
Elder Pearson and Elder Geddes
That next morning I finished packing the rest of my stuff, and then we headed to the mission office. Then Elder Cade Pearson came to pick me up. He is from Pocatello Idaho, and we have been serving for thee same amount of time. It has been going great so far, we got along really well. I'm looking forward to this new transfer!
The first couple days were pretty crazy, we had to do a baptismal interview in Jacksonville which was moved so we had to drive down there twice. And as well we went and did a blitz in Batesville which was sweet! I got to talk a lot of Spanish over there, so that was great as always! We have been super busy and that's been really nice.
The Searcy area seems pretty great, and church went really well. We have some cool investigators that we are working with, and we taught a pretty cool Hispanic guy there yesterday. It's been quite the change going from Office Elder to Zone Leader, but I've been loving getting back into teaching every day! Other than that, all is going well here in Searcy Arkansas!
Love y'all and have a great week!
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