Week 89
This week was a great one, especially ending it off with General conference! It's always the best being able to listen to a living prophet, apostles, and other leaders of Jesus Christ's church here on the earth today! There were several talks that covered exactly what we had been talking about with some of our investigators. These men are no doubt called of God, and if we follow their advice (God's advice) in these last days we will come out triumphant. It saddens me when people aren't able to accept there are living Prophets on the earth. How happy they would be if they would just follow them. They world would be in a better place. I loved how they talked about verse 7 in "How Firm a Foundation". We have always sung that as a mission, because it's President Wakolo's favorite song.
This week we have been consistently seeing Cori and her kids (Brayden, Hayden y Payton). That has been going super well, and we were able to teach them the Plan of Salvation and the kids retained it really well. They are loving the gospel, and it's been great teaching them. We as well watched the restoration video with them and after we left her husband came in y asked what the video was about. So they watched it again, which was pretty sweet! He has been listening from a distance, and I know he'll really enjoy the Gospel once he gets engaged. We have plans to see them many times this week, and we are excited about!
We also were able to see Joey y Auburn, and they fed us several times to this week. We had some really big Bible discussions with him this week, pretty much covering everyone. It really just all comes down to if the BOM is true or not. He is continuing reading it, and If he keeps doing that with sincerity he will be able to receive the divine witness. We had pizza one night with them, and they had this raspberry chipotle Tabasco sauce that they didn't like. Elder Pearson and I tried it on our pizza and both really liked it. They gave us the bottle, and they said on the back it said it was good on ice cream which sounded really weird. We ended up getting ice cream at our apartment and we put the Tabasco sauce on it and it was unreal!
We had a Mission Leadership Council in North Little Rock. It was great going back and seeing all my good friends! All is going great here in Searcy we are excited for this upcoming week as we have a Zone Meeting which should be good! I love y'all and have a great week!
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