Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 2

Hola Famillia!!  

   This week has gone by really fast, I can't believe that it is already another P-Day!  I've been learning a lot of Spanish and so many other things!  It's pretty great when things click and I actually understand Spanish.  I can understand quite a bit now which makes it a lot easier to make it to the teachers.  Our first ´´investigator´´ turned into our 2nd teacher which is really nice, because he knows what we need.  His name is Hermano Carmona!  We learn so much when he teaches us because he is fast paced and keeps the lesson moving along.  Hermano Tapia is still our morning teacher and he is just so nice, I just love when he is in the class he laughs at all our dumb jokes and he is just always happy.  

   Some of our District (12E) have been really struggling with Anxiety and all that stuff.  We pray for them a lot and we hope that they can get better soon.  Depression is real and it's quite a scary thing.  Hermano Carmona showed our District some conference talks before class one day that he felt would help us.  The first one was By Bednar and MTC Devotional and it was about listening to the spirit. He told a story when he was a young Missionary  and how he gave Elder Packer 20 marks for food that night when Packer was boarding a train to east germany with his wife.  Long story short that 20 marks got his wife into east Germany somehow because they wouldn't take her passport.  Things could have gone really really bad if he did not have that 20 marks to ´´bribe´´ that guard.  You probably have heard the story before but it was amazing!  Listening to the spirit is key, and sometimes it may not even seem like a spiritual prompting but it is.  The next video he showed us was ´´The atonement and Missionary Work´´ with Elder holland and I forgot who else was in it.  It is just incredible that Jesus would give his life for US not very many people would do that, but he knew that it had to be done.  The spirit was there for sure during those 2 videos.  I hope that it helped the 3 people in our District who were struggling. (a hermana is struggling as well)  I told Hermano Carmona that I want him to show us the Talk ´´Tiny Vessels´´ by Elder Holland.  I think it will really help them as they struggle with all the emotions they are going through.  It is the Talk you sent me in Hawaii and that talk really hit me, such an incredible talk.  Elder Weese (one of my favorite missionary in our district) had also been telling his companion that he though we should watch that same talk! So I really hope Hermano Carmona will show it.

   This week I memorized 2 scriptures in Spanish and then In english!  The first one I memorized was Mosíah 16:9  ´´El es la luz y la vida del Mundo; Si, una vida que es infinita, que nunca se puede extinguir.  Si, y tambien una vida que es infinita, para que no haya mas muerte´´  ´´He is the life and the light of the world; yea, a light which is endless that can never be darkened; Yea, and also a life which is endless that there can be no more death´´  Yes I did those both out of memory!!  It is so true that Christ is the Life and light of the world, without him we would be nothing, he is our everything.  Also memorized James 1:5!  It's actually kind of fun memorizing scriptures that will be really useful.  That quote from Uchtdorf is awesome, I think someone actually shared that this week!  It's so true though.  

   Well 2 weeks down and the food is pretty old already, but they have some decent stuff.  There is UNLIMITED Nutella which is pretty unreal.  They serve half american food and half mexican food, remind me of BYUH but it's mexican food not asian food.  Mexican food is not the greatest for breakfast, which happens pretty often.  My Casa is pretty sweet, a lot nicer than my dorm!  Spanish is coming long, I just gotta realize that it takes time and that it won't come automatically.

I love you  so much!

Elder Geddes 

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