Friday, July 1, 2016

Week 100

             P- Day 
     Hiking Adventures
      Once again another great week here in the Pueblito of Danville and time is flying by!!  The workiI going great up here with Elder Claridge and we are keeping busy.  

  Every single day this week we were able to go and see Billy an teach him for a few minutes.  We have focused on keeping the lessons short and simple allowing him to understand better.  It ha been working great as he prepares for his baptism next week as long as he is ready!  He had made huge improvement, and at the end of each lesson he has started giving great prayers, where at first he would never want to pray. Something he has continually prayed about is to have his roommate and his wife (Jama & Rita) come to church with him.  They are a couple from Nigeria and are super nice.  One of the lessons Rita was listening in and at the end of the lesson she said that she wanted to come to church with us this week!  So on Sunday her and Billy were ready for church, and she really enjoyed it, She was even taking notes and everything!  She told us that in her country she wanted to join the church at one point, but then moved away.  We are looking to start teaching her more and as well try and get her husband more involved!  We will be praying hard this week that Billy will be able to overcome some word of wisdom problems and enter into the waters of baptism!

  We have also been able to see Efren a few time this week which has been great.  One night we had an appointment scheduled with us but then he texted us saying that he needed to cancel, but that he wanted us to come over the next night at the same time.  We went to his house the next night and he had brought his girlfriend Marlet over!!  That was awesome that we did that and we were able to teach her the Restoration, it went really well, and Efren was really excited about getting her involved.  He said he was trying to convince her to go to church with him, and he told us that she is not 100%....yet.  Efren is rock solid and continues to love everything that we teach.  We talked about the importance of going to church. and how we need to have a trial of our faith before we receive an answer.  He loved when we shared him Ether 12:6 and he even went to his room to grab a highlighter so he could mark it. He should e coming to church next week and we are planning to see him several times this week.  

  As well we were able to see our investigator Carolyn who lives out in a little town called Plainview.  When we saw her she was so excited about us coming by because it had a been a minute.  And her friend was telling us how much she had been talking about us.  She had just broken her foot pretty badly but was in high spirits. Last time we were there  we had given her a blessing because she wasn't feeling well after a seizure.  She said that blessing helped her so much and made her feel calm.  It always amazes me to see how priesthood blessings comes to pass each and every time.  I'm very grateful to have to knowledge of the priesthood on the earth today, how much better would this world be if every house had a worthy priesthood holder in it.  

This upcoming week should be another good one!  Well I love y'all lots and hope that everything is going great!!  

Won Distirct contest, so Pied AP Elder Cuningham

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